FAQ about KOL Coin
Q: What is the total supply of KOL Coin?
A: The total supply is fixed, but only 1% has been released since its launch in November 2023.
Q: Where can I get updates about KOL Coin?
A: For the latest news and updates, follow the official [Twitter account](https://x.com/loldefi/status/1820431008073937022) or join the [Telegram group](https://t.me/+wl_dj4LZGCMwY2Nk).
Q: Can I contact the team directly?
A: Yes, you can reach out via [Twitter](https://x.com/loldefi/status/1820431008073937022) or [Telegram](https://t.me/+wl_dj4LZGCMwY2Nk) for any inquiries or support.
For more detailed information or to stay connected, feel free to reach out to the contact provided: Twitter or Telegram.